Tuesday, September 29, 2015

When God Calls a CONTROL FREAK!

     My youngest son has a lot of favorite things in his four year old life such as Spider-Man, cookies, and thankfully one of my favorites...Wizard of Oz. One thing that seems to trump all of his favorites lately though is playing hide-n-go seek. Now, I'm not talking about your typical game of hide-go-seeking where one person counts and the other person hides wherever they want. His version of gaming goes something like this, "Mom, you go in my room and count to ten and I will go hide in your bed, then you will come get me, OK!"

     When he goes and counts and it's my turn to hide he says the same thing but in reverse of course. Now, being that it's hard for me to follow his rules because I like to hide in my own places...I usually hide somewhere else so that I can surprise him or scare him (yes, I like to scare my kids because it's fun don't judge me). When my youngest finally finds me in my rebel place or I jump out at him to scare him he gets so furious when I'm not in the place he told me to hide.

     Today when I was playing this game with my son the Lord gave me a gentle nudge that I am the exact way with Him. See, when I'm hiding from my son I know where I am. I have a plan of when I want to jump out at him or make him smile with my "surprise" and see his smile go from ear to ear and hear his laughter fill the empty spaces of the room and my heart. Oh how I delight in my child's laughter. 

     Now, I'm not saying that the Lord wants to jump out and scare us but I do think that He wants us to trust Him with the things we can't see. My desire is to tell the Lord, "Ok, Lord I've trusted you now I want you to do this this way, that that way, and show up here with nothing out of line of how I told you to do it." Yeah, I know pretty bold of me or stupid...not sure which but silly none the less because we know we can't tell the Lord to do anything. But I desire this kind of control...even more so when I step out in faith.

     Ever since I put a down payment on the publishing package and submitted my manuscript yesterday I've been freaking out inside because I am literally not in control of the process and what the Lord does with it from here. I don't know exactly who is looking at it, what they will think, and if I will have to re-write the whole book because it needs work and that freaks me out. It makes me scared and a little frustrated to be honest.

     Furthermore, I don't get to know where it will go from here, how God will use it, if He will use it, and the list goes on. Everything in me wants to know what the Lord has hiding around the corners. I know where I want Him to be and how I want everything to pan out...but I don't know...only He knows. But I'm learning the beauty of it all.  That even when I don't know...He has already been where I am going...and even if I'm searching in the wrong direction He will be there to shout "surprise" and hopefully it will be me smiling from ear to ear and Him delighting in His child's laughter! I'm trying to rest in that...that He is in control and He has my best interest in mind...which is really hard for a control freak.

      There was someone in the bible that had to see everything before He trusted the Lord and his name  was given a great meaning behind it "doubting Thomas."

John 20: 24-29 reveals, "But one of the Twelve, Thomas (called “Twin”), was not with them when Jesus came. So the other disciples kept telling him, “We have seen the Lord!”
But he said to them, “If I don’t see the mark of the nails in His hands, put my finger into the mark of the nails, and put my hand into His side, I will never believe!” After eight days His disciples were indoors again, and Thomas was with them. Even though the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them. He said, “Peace to you!” Then He said to Thomas, “Put your finger here and observe My hands. Reach out your hand and put it into My side. Don’t be an unbeliever, but a believer.” Thomas responded to Him, “My Lord and my God!”Jesus said, “Because you have seen Me, you have believed. Those who believe without seeing are blessed.”

     I want with all of my heart to trust the Lord and His plans for me. I'm not going to lie...it is hard sometimes! But He has never given me a reason to not trust Him. Do you find yourself doubting God because of a rough time? Are you nervous because you have put yourself completely out there and you are vulnerable? Friend, just keep the faith in Him. Don't be a doubting Thomas and want to control the situation. Just trust Him. One of the most beautiful quotes I've ever heard goes something like this, "if the Lord wants something to happen it will, if He doesn't it won't, don't try to control the situation...just rest and be faithful." I think that's how it went...I know it's not exact but it's so true! The Lord our faithful Father and we can trust Him! He's such a "good Father!"



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