Wednesday, September 30, 2015


BY: Tiffany Wasson
September 30, 2015

I remember sitting within a cage inside my mind.
When you tried to convince me I had to stay within this bind.
You did your best throwing relentless darts at every side.
Chains wrapped around me, I had no fight left inside.

I believed that this was my life and forever I would stay.
You tried your best to convince me that there was no other way.
You lied to me, but to me it seemed like nothing but the truth.
You wicked wolf hiding within sheep skin steeling away my youth…

When God was my Warrior fighting for me all the more
The Holy Spirit spoke more loudly, the truth to my core.
When Jesus became everything and rescued me mightily.
I was unstoppable with the light inside shinning brightly.

I thought that I was lost and never again would I return.
But once again I am set free and for Him I will forever yearn.
See, God has brought me back with all His power and His grace.
Now, I long for His love even more and to rest in His embrace.

Devil you thought that you had me, and thought you had won.
But Jesus came to earth and He made sure that ALL was done.
Standing over you, lifting His leg, indeed He crushed your head.
To send you back to hell with all of the other spiritually dead.

See, Satan you belong in that home where you will forever stay.
So, you might as well just move on and go back to hell today.
The Savior is in my sight and He keeps me safe from your spear.
Satan you no longer phase me, and honestly, I’m doing fine with out you…here.

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