Wednesday, November 4, 2015

I want you!

      My youngest son has always been a momma's boy...I mean a hard core momma's boy! When he was much younger I found it to weigh on me heavily. Most days whenever my husband would come home from work I would want to shake my son off of my leg as fast as I could and run out the door. Whenever we had friends and family around often times they found my son to be annoying because he would scream if I wasn't around. Now, I'm not just saying he did the "oh, ever child screams," scream. The kid hits decibels I've never heard before. Seriously, I better get some American Idol time out of this kid with all of the mess he put my ears though. Needless to say, I was hoping that he would grow up and grow out of the mommy phase some day.

      Well, he is four now and he has grown up in so many ways. He doesn't scream as much as he use to which is a major plus or spit down his face any more as babies often do. But he still wants his momma. Now, it's not so much that he needs to have his momma or he is going to freak's much more healthier then that. I can just tell that he just wants me around. He wants me at his side doing life with him.

      The other day we were at the Apple Store--luckily I made an appointment and I wasn't there for two hours--but I sat my son down at one of the computers to watch cartoons. After the gentleman had helped me I forgot to ask him a question, so I stepped away at a safe distance from my son to grab the man and ask him. I told my son what I was doing and where I would be but I watched his face after I stepped away and he couldn't see my exact location.

      I could see the confusion on his face. His mommy radar was on and he was scanning all around. I waved my hands and shouted his name. Once his eyes caught mine he smiled from ear to ear and shouted, "Mommy!" He jumped off the stool and ran to my open arms. He was full of happiness and gave me a huge hug. I felt like we were in a movie because people were starring and smiling as if we were the only ones in the room. I was honestly waiting for them to clap because they were so into the moment with us.

      My son looked at me and said, "I just want to be with you." In that moment I was no longer annoyed that my son wanted me as much as he did and does daily. I am doing my best to soak up these moments as long as I can get them! I know now that when Him and my oldest son want to be around my husband and I, it's not to drive us to the point to want to shake them off our legs. They just want us to be apart of their lives. They want us to be their Princess Leia and Han Solo to their Star Wars story. They want us to be the other two Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and kick "bad guy butts!"  They long to spend time with us. They just want to be where we are!

      The Lord showed me so much through all of this...that He wants us to be like my children...loving Him enough to want Him to be apart of every single moment of our lives. He wants our "God" radar on constantly looking for Him in every single situation. God wants to be with us and He desires  us to want to be with Him, as our sons long to be with my husband and I. Oh, how I long to have this kind of child like love towards my Heavenly Father! Children can teach us so much! I'm learning that more than ever...I just want to be with HIM!!!

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