Thursday, August 13, 2015

1, 2, 3, 4...I declare thumb war!

    One, two, three, four I declare thumb war! HA...TRICKED YOU!!! I am not talking about a game played with hands. I am talking about the grueling process of writing a book. I did not go to school for this so honestly I have no idea what I am doing at all. I just know God has called me to do this so, here I am!
     Whenever I was told about "all things writing" from the amazing author coach in front of me, I learned that my book could be published at 30,00 words but the average book size is 45,000. I had no idea how I would get to 30,000 words but 45,000 words seemed way out of reach. I was lost at where to start. I finally brought myself to sit down and just "write already" and the words kept coming forth. 
     The day that I got to 30,000 words was a glorious day! I was so thrilled I reached that goal. But I kept the idea of 45,000 in the back of my mind. I thought, "Yeah right there is no way I would make it to that amount of words!" Well, if you read my last blog you found out that I am currently above the 45,000 mark. I am almost to 47,000 words and the book still isn't done. But there are a couple of questions that haunt me daily...DOES IT MAKE SENSE? ARE THEY EMPTY WORDS?
     Throughout, this process I have had to be super sensitive to the Lord. I have had to make sure that the words that are typed out are His and not mine. I want to step aside so that He can be glorified through all of it. I want to make sure that the words down are not just words to “increase my word count”. I don't want a bunch of empty words on a page...that would do nothing for the LORD at all! 
     I really hope and pray that God is happy with what I got down so far and that HE will be happy with the finished product. Will it be a page-turner? Who knows!!! BUT regardless of how intriguing it is, I want to be obedient. A friend of my and recently published author Anna Schaeffer, of All of This, gave me some amazing advice. She said, "Before I submitted my book to the publishers I asked myself a very important question. Can I read this book in front of Jesus and my grandmother and would both of them be satisfied? If I could answer, “YES”, then I knew my book was ready!" 
     I am praying that I can continue to stay focused and do what He has called me to do. I pray that every time I sit down at the computer to pray, write, type, and edit that it satisfies my Savior, Jesus...and of course my grandma. Thank you Anna for your advice and thank all of you who continue to pray for me and encourage me. I am not going to stop now! With the Lords help and all of you fabulous people in my life I know I can do it! My prayer and goal is to be finished by Christmas.
     Please pray that I can lay aside all of the unnecessary distractions and negative thoughts to focus! I want to make my Father in Heaven proud and punch Satan in the face! I also want to make all of you proud. More importantly I want lives to be changed! Here I go...keeping my eyes on JESUS the perfecter of my faith and yours too! 

     Hebrews 12: 1-3, "Therefore, since we also have such a large cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us lay aside every weight and sin that so easily ensnares us. Let us run with endurance the race that lies before us, keeping our eyes on Jesus, the source and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that lay before Him endure a cross and despised the shame and has sat down at the right hand of God's throne." 

Because with out Him, there is nothing else! 


Check out Anna's blog and book here! Order your copy today!!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2015


     Lately, something strange has been occurring on my Facebook page. I have been putting up word counts every now and then for my status. If it's been hard to put things together I am here to announce that, yes, "I AM WRITING A BOOK! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?" I can hardly believe it myself to be honest. The journey so far has been so amazing and totally God inspired. My journey started about two years ago. 
     The Lord gave me the first half of the title. I thought, "Write a book Lord? ME? You have got to be kidding me!" Every now and again I would have this sudden urge to write but I did not think that I was capable for such great a task. I got bored during college writing just 3-5 page papers. I had no idea how I was going to spit out at least a 150 pages for a whole book. 
     My hands were tied with fear of failure and I just couldn't bring myself to write anything down. I was being extremely disobedience. I kept acting as Moses did giving off every excuse in the book (pun intended). But Lord, I am not great with words. But Lord, how would I share my book with people, I mumble and my anxiety makes me freakishly red…that is so embarrassing. So, I did what Moses did...I pawned it off of on other people saying, "Lord, isn't there someone else? There is no doubt that there are PLENTY of books out there in the Christian world so does there really need to be another?" I did not think another one was really necessary. 
     BUT GOD! He kept chasing me with an endless pursuit. He wanted me to write. His first step was getting me invited to the Velocity Conference in Cumming, GA, by our church pastor. A married couple was unable to attend and he knew that our family had been praying through a lot of things in our path. Although, writing was the last thing on my mind because my anxiety had hit the fan all year long and had spread my emotions all over the place. I couldn't focus on anything for very long.
     Luckily, all of the plans worked together and we, my husband and I, were able to attend the conference. A friend of ours was able to watch our kids for two days and we were off to learn, grow, and be challenged. Our first day there we were given the "guide to the weekend" and the first thing that caught my eye was a "book writing seminar." Our pastor encouraged us to go to whatever seminar we felt led to attend. 
     I sat in the cold, metal chair, wondering what in the world I was doing there in the bright green room. I felt like I was in a fog or having an outer body experience. I watched everyone around me, super confident about their book idea and jotting down notes from the guy up front. He stood tall and gave off a lot of excitement about books. He said, "The best thing about writing is leaving behind a legacy." I wanted to leave a legacy. I was inspired. Reluctantly, I signed up for a one on one meeting with the zealous man up front. I thought there was nothing to lose at this point. 
     I signed up for another seminar for later that day. I don't recall the exact name of it but it was something to the effect of, "How do I get from saying I want to do something to, I did it." Well, my husband and I were seeking God about all the stuff on our plate so I thought, this was our place to be! I sat down again in another chair and I realized I had been super on edge. I had been having small panic attacks ALL day! I hated panic! I felt like there was literally a WAR inside of me. Something needed to come out and this man knew it. 
     When we got as comfortable as we could he introduced himself. Again I am TERRIBLE at names so I do not remember his name BUT he was a book writer. He had been at the conference the year before and went to the one on one session and wrote his book in three months...I kid you not! He had us write on a card of the "task" we wanted to complete and write down exactly how long we thought it would take us. I didn't have a specific thing at the time but I put, "write a book and be done by next year." I figured no one else would see it so it's not hurting anything being there at all...right? 
      The craziest thing happened that night. After the first day of the conference my husband and I went back to the hotel, read some, and talked about our day. In an instant the rest of the title came to me. I wrote it down and knew that was the title I was supposed to use! I couldn't believe that He spoke so clear to me about it...there is no way it was from me...there is no way I could of thought of it on my own. I was excited for my meeting with the author coach the next day. 
      The next morning we had some Cracker Barrel yummy goodness and then headed to the church. We got to be apart of some amazing worship, which was awesome. However, in the back of my mind all I could think about was my meeting with the author coach. Finally, I got to my one on one session and met with a publishing coach. I sat down bright red...that is what anxiety does to me and I hate it! Before I could speak anything about the book I told the coach sitting in front of me, "So, I have anxiety so I am probably going to cry!" He spoke back, "It's ok...once I hear your story I am probably going to cry too." 
      I didn't get the first word out before I LOST it! I cried, and cried, and cried as my idea and story poured forth. I felt like I had been holding back this dam for a long time and it finally broke and my tears were uncontrollable. I was a shaking mess. He encouraged me with the gentleness of the Father above. He said, "Tiffany, you have to write this story. God has placed something on you and you have to do it." I left wondering where I should start. 
     We got home the next day to a very sick child so I was unable to start right away but once I did and committed this project to prayer, everything came out quickly. I got together a poster board at first and picked out a picture that I would eventually like my cover to be, chapters, book dedication, about the author section, and more. I wanted to "write the vision down and make it plain so that I could run after it" as it exclaims in Habakkuk 2:2. I was ready! 
     Once I finally sat down at the computer I was moving forward fast. In the first two weeks of writing I already had 10, 000 words. One night while writing I had a major panic attack but we won't walk about that much. But I was so scared to sit down and write so I quit for almost a month. Even though I had that hiccup...I started writing in February and I currently have just under, 45,000 words. Forty-five thousand words was my original goal to start with. I HAVE REACHED MY GOAL and the book still isn't done. It is so true what Ephesians 3:20 says about God, that He can do  "More than you can ask or imagine".
     He never ceases to amaze me. Through so many of my friends and their prayers and encouragements from countless amounts of people I have been able to get this far. There are times when I am SOOO stuck and He brings the right people in my life to tell me exact thing I need to hear at that exact moment I need to hear it. Plus, when I need something extra for the book to flow well, He brings up something to my memory that fits amazingly.
     I am so thankful for this book that has been laid on my heart for the Lord. Truthfully, I am able to dream again; for a long time I felt dry, without a purpose. Sure, I am a mom and a wife and for that I am forever grateful. I love being a mom and a wife! However, I have always known that God wanted me to do something bigger than myself. Well, I got it! This book is MUCH bigger than I am!!! I feel totally unqualified to do this job. BUT GOD IS FAITHFUL! I want it to be His words and influence through out all of it! Even if it just reaches ONE person...I want to finish. 
     So, here I am...telling the truth about my number count and asking you friends to continue to pray for me. Pray for healing as I write for myself and for anyone else who will read the words that God has given me. Also, that when the time comes to publish that I have the right amount of money available. I know that If it is God's will nothing can stop it so I am doing my best to lean on that truth! Furthermore, please pray for my family. I know that as we continue to take leaps of faith that the enemy will come. Please pray for protection for us, and wisdom as we step forward in faith. 
     Lastly, and most important...I am praying for each of you reading this blog post. I am praying that God helps you to dream again and that He would speak to you in amazing ways so that you can reach your full purpose for Him. I pray for your families and that you would be provided for in every way possible. I am so thankful for you will never know how much! 

Because with out Him there is nothing else,